Archive for August, 2009
Screwing around with the Guitar Amp Simulator…
Wrote this little metal ditty last night using the XV-5080 with SC-8850 on drums. The first half is original, or maybe it’s based on something I’ve heard that’s stuck in my head. Either way I’d like to elaborate on it some more. The second half of the recording is a surprise. Comments?
EDIT: Updated version:
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Download: NewMetalTestXV2
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Download: NewMetalTestXV
Got a new Camera Lens and ToMI:Episode 2 is out! YAY
Brief update:
I got a new lens for my camera, a wide angle. I’ll post some new photos taken with it soon..
In other news. The second episode of Tales of Monkey Island is out! YAY! Perhaps I’ll write a little something about it when I complete it.
Nantucket Vacation: Day 7
Belated post…
Day 7. Mostly just the trip back home. Took a lot of photos at the docks for the ferry, on the ferry leaving Nantucket, and approaching the mainland. Enjoy.
- View from the Steamship Authority in Nantucket
- Incoming ferry, the Eagle, took this one going home.
- Back of the Steamship Authority, clearly visible from arriving ferrys.
- The Eagle.
- Another side of the ferry.
- Front of the building.
- Front of the building.
- View from the ferry, waiting to leave.
- View from the ferry, waiting to leave.
- View from the ferry, waiting to leave.
- View from the ferry, leaving Nantucket.
- View from the ferry, leaving Nantucket.
- View from the ferry, leaving Nantucket.
- View from the ferry, leaving Nantucket.
- View from the ferry, leaving Nantucket.
- View from the ferry, leaving Nantucket.
- View from the ferry, leaving Nantucket.
- View from the ferry, leaving Nantucket.
- View from the ferry, leaving Nantucket.
- View from the ferry, leaving Nantucket.
- View from the ferry, leaving Nantucket.
- View from the ferry, leaving Nantucket.
- View from the ferry, leaving Nantucket.
- View from the ferry, leaving Nantucket.
- View from the ferry, leaving Nantucket.
- View from the ferry, leaving Nantucket.
- Amazing sailboat. Looks like a 75 footer!
- View of the ocean.
- View of the ocean.
- View of the ocean.
- Approaching Cape Cod from the ferry.
- Approaching Cape Cod from the ferry.
- Approaching Cape Cod from the ferry.
- Approaching Cape Cod from the ferry.
- Approaching Cape Cod from the ferry.
- That’s a big place! Comes with it’s own lighthouse!
- Approaching Cape Cod from the ferry.
- Approaching Cape Cod from the ferry.
- Approaching Cape Cod from the ferry.
- Approaching Cape Cod from the ferry.
- Approaching Cape Cod from the ferry.
- Approaching Cape Cod from the ferry.
- Approaching Cape Cod from the ferry.
- Huge house…
- Approaching Cape Cod from the ferry.
- Approaching Cape Cod from the ferry.
- Approaching Cape Cod from the ferry.
- Ferry leaving for Nantucket, the one I took also.
- Approaching the mainland…
- It’s big!
- Approaching the mainland…
- I like the view of this peninsula.
- Still approaching the mainland…
- Still approaching the mainland…
- Still approaching the mainland…
- Still approaching the mainland…
- Still approaching the mainland…
- Another nice view.
- See gull?
- There gull!
Belated post…
As I was going over the photos from these days, we had a big power outage. Supposedly over 200 homes had no electricity. Power went out around 10:45pm and came back on sometime after 1:ooam! Sadly, my laptop was not fully charged…
Anyway, below are some photos taken in the Nantucket Whaling Museum, the observatory floor of the museum, the “children’s beach” where there is a small lighthouse, and some plants around the house. Also, there was this really weird full moon one night. It was bright orange!
Check out the photos below:
- Sperm Whale Skull
- An Oil Press
- Top of a Lighthouse
- Plaque about an old clock tower.
- The mechanicals of the clock.
- View of Nantucket from the Whaling Museum Observatory.
- View of Nantucket from the Whaling Museum Observatory.
- View of Nantucket from the Whaling Museum Observatory.
- View of Nantucket from the Whaling Museum Observatory.
- View of Nantucket from the Whaling Museum Observatory.
- View of Nantucket from the Whaling Museum Observatory.
- Some boats… There’s lots of these!
- View from the “Children’s Beach”.
- A lighthouse from one of the many corners of the island.
- View from the “Children’s Beach”.
- This plant is everywhere on the island.
- Fruit from the same plant. I believe people make tea with it.
- Flowers.
- More flowers.
- Even more flowers.
- …and some more flowers.
- The moon one night. It was pumpkin orange earlier. Exposure time: 13 seconds.
Nantucket Vacation: Day’s 3 & 4
Yesterday was a pretty relaxing day. We went to the beach, saw some more of the island, and I took a few photos of that.
Today we went out on a charter fishing boat. It was a blast. We caught a total of 20 Bluefish and I caught one Stripped Bass! We kept the striper, three of the blues, and threw the rest back in the ocean. It was a bit rainy so I did not get too many photos during the fishing trip. I reeled in the bass, which apparently made me the champion of the day, because they are more rare of a catch than other fish I guess. I thought about getting it preserved and mounted as a gift for my friend’s grandparent’s, who’s house we’re staying at this week, but it was simply too expensive to do sadly. I’ll have to think of something else in that department. Very fun day though!
Check out some of my photos from the previous two days below:
- Bird on the beach.
- Dog playing fetch on the beach.
- Dog playing fetch on the beach.
- Some houses facing a lake on the island.
- Lot’s of boats!
- More boats!
- More boats and a ferry.
- One of the many peninsulas of the island
- One of the many peninsulas of the island
- Out on a charter boat.
- Sailboat in the sound.
- More boats in the sound.
- Large houses on the edge of the island.
- More large houses around the coast of the island.
- AHH! More houses…
- This basically sums up the visuals of Nantucket Island.
- Fish!
Nantucket Vacation: Days 1 & 2
After a relatively stress free 5 hour drive, I arrived at the Hyannis Terminal in Massachusetts. Got lost for about 15 minutes trying to find the parking lot that was open, and took the shuttle back to the port. I paid for my ticket for the “fast ferry” at 1:55pm. They run slower ferries that take a two hour trip, the “fast ferry’s” take only an hour to get to the island.
My friends picked me up at the Nantucket port and took me for a quick tour of the town, very charming area I may add. Then we proceeded to make our way to his grandparent’s house, which is only a few minutes drive. I took a few photos that day and a fair amount more today, though it’s been pretty foggy.
We attempted some crabbing today, didn’t catch any crab, but managed to catch turtles and snakes! I got a photo of one of the turtles. We’ll try some more crabbing another day.
I took some photos of and around my friend’s Grandparents’ house, where I’m staying also. Enjoy!
- One of the many filled docks on the island.
- Ducks! There were lots.
- More boats by the docks.
- A Duck!
- See? I told you there were lots!
- Some of the expensive houses right by the docks.
- Another shot of some dockside houses.
- High tide, pretty high!
- Beach, or lack thereof, at high tide.
- One spot where we tried to catch some crab.
- Other side of the crab-catching area.
- Not a crab! Took our chicken and left.
- More ducks! They’re everywhere!
- The tool shed at the house I stayed at.
- Foggy view from a deck of the house.
- Foggy view from a deck of the house.
- Foggy view from a deck of the house.
- Foggy view from a deck of the house.
- A side of the house. You can see the sunroom and deck floor.
- Corner of the upstairs “trophy room”.
- The upstairs bedroom I stayed in.
- Other side of the bedroom I stayed in.
- Another side of the bedroom I sayed in.
- A table near the sunroom.
- Living area opposite the table near the sunroom.
- The sunroom.
- The living room.
- Stairs from the front door.
- Top of the stairs overlooking WiFi/modem/laptop area.
- A view of the living room from upstairs.
- One of the upstairs bedrooms.
- The trophy of the “Trophy Room”, a striped bass I belive.
- Study next to the master bedroom.
- One of the flowers on the many shrubs around the house.
- Another flower on one of the shrubs around the house.
- A bunny!
- The yard around the house.
- Back of the house overlooking the sunroom and deck.
- Another side of the house, another deck.
- The yard around the house.
- The yard around the house.
- Some trees in the back yard.
- Another shot of the tool shed.
- Side of the house.
- The yard around the house.
- The driveway.
- More of the driveway.
- The yard around the house.
- Wider shot of the driveway.
- Wide shot of the driveway.
- More of the driveway!
- Tree moss!
- View to the front door.
- View to the front door.
- The yard around the house.
- Another side of the house.
- The yard around the house.
- Tool shed and hammock near the driveway.
- The yard around the house.
- Close-up shot a side/window of the house.
- The yard around the house.
- The main, ground level deck of the house.
- Deck, Sunroom, and Upper deck!
- A shot of the kitchen.
- Dining table.
Vacation again!? & What have I been doing the past few weeks?
I will be leaving for another short vacation tomorrow morning with a friend to Nantucket. I’ve never been, but he assures me it’s very nice. Looking forward to some more general relaxing, taking some photos, and fishing.
What happened to my regular updates? Well, I’ve been busy helping my old/new WoW guild reform. It’s going pretty well so far. I expect to spend more time on music again after this vacation, as the WoW stuff should be a bit less hectic by then.
Check back here soon, as I should have some new photos coming this way…