Posts tagged as ' XV-5080 ' ...

Posted By andrew603

Some Nintendo Remixes and More!

Here are some remixes I just recorded today.  Enjoy!

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  1. Mario Kart 64 – Mario Raceway SRX
  2. Mario Kart 64 – Battle! SRX
  3. Super Mario World – Ghost House SRX
  4. Super Mario World – Castle SRX
  5. Killer Instinct 2 – Saberwulf Theme SRX
  6. Duke Nukem 3D – Grabbag SRX (The latest version at time of writing!)
Posted By andrew603

Some quick VG Remixes

Here are a few quick remixes I’ve done over the last few weeks…

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King’s Quest 4 Introduction

Rise of the Triad –  Fish Polka

Duke Nukem 2 – Kiss the Girls and Make Them Cry

Posted By andrew603

Jaws Vs Pirates of the Caribbean!

I meant to finish and release these two tracks back for Halloween.

Unfortunately, I’ve been really busy with a crazy work schedule and various personal commitments.

Anyway, enjoy!

Special thanks to my friend Gary for the original arrangements, be sure to check out his website!

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Jaws SRX!

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest Medley SRX!

Posted By andrew603

Duke Nukem 3D Revisited

I am slowly working on more of my remixes of the Duke Nukem 3D soundtrack.  I am calling it Duke Nukem 3D Revisited, akin to my remixes of the Doom soundtrack.

The first track that’s complete is the title theme ‘Grabbag’.  This track uses some new electric guitar patches that I created on the Roland XV-5080 from scratch using waveforms from the World Collection SRX board.  The background synth sound is one of my Roland D-550’s.  The drums are from the SRX-01 Dynamic Drums expansion board.


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Posted By andrew603

Always Bet On Duke!

In honor of Gearbox Software’s acquisition of the Duke Nukem license and the fact that Duke Nukem Forever will finally be released next year, I have started remixing the original Duke Nukem 3D MIDI Soundtrack!

Here is a draft of the title theme.  Come get some!

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Posted By andrew603

A Brief Update…

It’s been pretty busy for me lately, with the MIDI Music Adventure Show! and work, I havn’t had much time to post much new stuff here.  But don’t worry!  I am slowly but surely working on some new Synth-Studio content.  So check back from time to time!

Oh, here are some new-ish recordings for your listening pleasure!

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MP3 Downloads
Joe and Mac SRX
Super Mario RPG – Forest SRX
Super C
Sombaddy Kall Tha Docktuhh!!!
Yamaha MU128 Song Arfy Sent Me!

Posted By andrew603

Tin Star – Gallop Stages SRX

Here’s another SNES song remixed Roland SRX style.  The horse-ridding levels from the game Tin Star.  Enjoy!

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Posted By andrew603

Donkey Kong Country 2: The Enchanted Wood SRX

This is inspired by E3 2010 in a way, and Nintento’s announcement of an upcoming new Donkey Kong Country game for Wii.  Nintendo’s stuff for E3 this year is amazing!  God, I can’t wait to get a Nintendo 3DS some day!

Anyway, here is a remix of a really cool song from DKC2 MIDI done up on my Roland XV-5080 and Fantom XR.  Enjoy!

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Posted By andrew603

Roland SRX-02 Concert Piano

Sorry, this is a pretty belated post but, I recently got the Roland SRX-02 Concert Piano expansion board for my Fantom XR.  Here are some demo’s I have recorded with it for your enjoyment!  Have fun!

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MP3 Downloads

PS:  Yes, Demo 10 is supposed to sound like that, there was a monkey playing that song after all!

Posted By andrew603

Highway Star SRX

Remixed a MIDI Cover of Deep Purple’s “Highway Star”, it’s not perfect but I think it came out alright, and was definitely fun!  I also have an updated mix of “Child in Time” to go with it.  “Highway Star” uses both my Roland XV-5080 and Fantom XR, “Child in Time” uses only the XV-5080.  Enjoy!

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