Posts tagged as ' Theme Customization ' ...
New Year, New Site Theme!

Sorry for the lack of updates… It was a hectic last few months!
Anyway, as you can see, I have updated the theme of this website to a new one! “i7” by
The theme is by the same gentleman who made the previous theme on this site!
I really like it! What do you think?
Check back soon for some new-ish recordings to be posted here, as well as some new sub-content.
Technical Site Update: Theme Updated.
Also, it looks like we have got nice image containers now! I’ve wanted this for this theme since I switched to it, so that’s great!
Inanis has done a great job with his theme in this version.
Other Changes: I have rearranged the sidebar in the hopes that it makes navigating the site a bit easier.
Here’s some images for example of the nice new borders…
All new theme for the site!
Installed and slightly customized a really cool Windows Vista-esque theme for the site called Inanis-Glass. What do you think of it?
It took me a while to get the background in the banner at the top to look right belive it or not. I still need to optomize the style code for it from inline css into the real stylesheets, but it works for now.
Next, I need to figure out a way to have the Twitter widget not pause the loading of the rest of the site. I could use an iframe but I really don’t want to. Any ideas?