Shipwrecks and Demons: Now with 20.385% more Dwarves!
Here’s the latest version of Shipwrecks and Demons!
Current synopsis: Your character has just been shipwrecked into a woodsy area, you start exploring your surroundings, find a small clearing to a cave perhaps, then the monsters come out! Then, you find the camps of a volcano-worshiping tribe (I need to add some volcano sound effects hehe), then perhaps venture to a cave at the base of a mountain deeper in the forest to find inside it is a large empty dwarven hall or throne room. Next thing you know you are hiding behind darkened columns in a corner observing some sort of party…
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Download: xv-5080_shipwrecksanddemons_draft07
PS: The new part is at the end around 6:54 Oh, and if you can figure out where that percentage comes from.. you get… to pat yourself on the back! Good Job!

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