Sorry for the lack of updates, I’ve been preoccupied as of late. Moving along, I have a Wurlitzer Organ. Model 4150, circa 1958 I believe. It was passed down to my father by his uncle when I was little. Anyway, I decided on a whim to try to record some new samples of it, with the goal simply being to record some sounds I like. It was not my intention to do any sort of complete sampling of the organ. Maybe some day though… 🙂
So, I took my MacBook armed with an M-Audio MobilePre USB downstairs, hooked into the organ’s phono plug, installed the latest version of Audacity and started recording. In total I got roughly 12 minutes of sample data. So far, I’ve only gone through about 2 minutes worth and made 3 SoundFont patches for myself, one being the ‘background noise’ you can almost hear while the tubes are warming up, which I amplified.
I wrote a weird little track using ONLY the samples that I’ve created, and some reverb. Have a listen:
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Download the MP3: Wurlitzer_4150_Fun
I will be sure to add a dedicated page to this organ in the future, with photos. Also, I may put up a copy of my completed sample pack eventually.

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