Posts tagged as ' SC-880 ' ...

Posted By andrew603

A Couple Random Photos

Here are a couple recent photos of my audio rack, and Herman, our bird.  Not too much going on right now.  Though I am waiting for a new MIDI Controller Keyboard and a new microphone.  More on that when they arrive.

The top half of my synth rack as of March 18 2010.

The top half of my synth rack as of March 18 2010.

Some synths temporarily on top of my PC

Some synths temporarily on top of my PC

My synth rack, as of Mar. 18 2010

My synth rack, as of Mar. 18 2010

Herman hides in between the pillows!

Herman hides in between the pillows!



Herman is a fan of the blue cloth!

Herman is a fan of the blue cloth!



Posted By andrew603

Dragon Warrior 4 – Tower Music

A friend asked me to see what I can do with this midi music of the game Dragon Warrior 4 if I had time to check it out.  He mentioned that it was making patch changes to sounds that his synth doesn’t have.  I have identified that the MIDI is most likely a Roland GS midi of the SC-88pro sound set, as none of the patch changes call for sounds from anything newer than the SC-88pro.  I started cleaning up the first couple tracks, getting rid of redundant control messages mostly, and have recorded the song unaltered on my SC-8850.

Here it is:  

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(MP3: Dragon Warrior 4 -Tower Music)

Now, it is time to see what I can do with it on the XV-5080 and Fantom XR 🙂

Posted By andrew603

The Amazing Sequences of Anomaria.

This guy is one of the most amazing MIDI composer’s I have ever heard.  I’m not really clever enough to write a nice bunch of paragraphs about how good he is.  So, I’ll leave you with some of his music.  Skeptics please remember, what you are about to hear is simply a recording of “one of those crappy .mid-e files” played straight through one of my Roland Sound Canvas’.

Enjoy!  Oh, make sure you use the ‘next’ and ‘back’ buttons in the player to listen to all 5 songs posted here.  Each one is better than the last!

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Click “More»” for the MP3 downloads.

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